Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure
Please read this Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure (“Disclosure”) carefully. It contains important information.
In this Disclosure:
- “We,” “us,” and “our” means the person or organization using the Box Sign Service to present you with Communications to review and/or sign, and our current and future affiliates and assignees (if any). Box, Inc., and its affiliates are not parties to this Disclosure unless Box, Inc., or one of its affiliates is the party using the Box Sign Service to present these Communications to you.
- “You” and “your” means to the person giving consent to the use of electronic signatures and records.
- "Communications” mean all the documents and information we provide to you through the Box Sign Service to review, or that you use the Box Sign Service to sign or submit or agree to at our request, which are related to your Transaction. Communications include but are not limited to disclosures, notices, agreements, promissory notes, statements, undertakings, and other information.
- “Box Sign Service” means the Box electronic signing platform you are using to electronically review and sign Communications.
- “Transaction” means the consumer or business transaction for which you are reviewing and signing Communications using the Box Sign Service.
From time to time, we may be required by law to provide you with certain information related to the Transaction “in writing” – which means you have a right to receive that information on paper. However, with your consent, we may provide this information to you electronically instead. We also need your general consent to use electronic records and signatures.
Your electronic signature on Communications presented and signed through the Box Sign Service will be just as enforceable as a handwritten signature on a paper document.
1. Scope of Your Consent
This Disclosure applies to all Communications that we may provide to you through the Box Sign Service. Your consent to the use of electronic signatures and records does not mean that we are required to complete any Transaction or provide any Communication to you electronically. We may, at our option, complete any Transaction and deliver any Communication to you on paper, and require you to execute any Communication manually, should we choose to do so.
2. Keeping and Obtaining Paper Copies
You will have the opportunity to print out and retain a copy of all the Communications you review or sign at our request through the Box Sign Service. You have a right to obtain paper copies of any information we are required to provide you “in writing.” The Box Sign Service gives you the opportunity to print copies of Communications you review and/or sign. You may also request a paper copy of any Communication by contacting us at the customer service contact information associated with the Transaction, provided that you provide us with sufficient information to identify the Transaction and the Communications you are requesting. We may charge you a service fee for any paper copies that you request. Any service fee for paper copies you request will be disclosed to you before you are charged.
3. System Requirements
To review and sign Communications electronically using the Box Sign Service, you must have:
- An Up-to-Date Version (defined below) of an Internet browser we support (more information about the browsers we support can be found at: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696234-Understand-the-Box-Policy-For-Browser-And-OS-Support,
- A connection to the Internet,
- An Up-to-Date Version of an email management program, and
- A computer and an operating system capable of supporting all of the above. You will also need a printer if you wish to print out and retain records on paper, and electronic storage and an Up-to-Date Version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader)if you wish to retain and later view records in electronic form.
You must also have an active email address.
In some cases, you may also need a specific brand or type of device that can support a particular software application, including an application intended for particular mobile or handheld devices.
By “Up-to-Date Version,” we mean a version of the software that is being supported by its publisher on the date of your Transaction. Beta versions of software are not supported.
4. How to Withdraw Your Consent
If you decide to withdraw your consent to the use of electronic signatures and records before you complete the Transaction, you may do so by:
- Selecting “Decline Request” in the Box Sign Service in the menu under the ellipsis displayed in the upper right corner of the screen presenting the Communication to you for signing, or by
- Contacting our customer representative assisting you with this Transaction before finishing the signing process.
If you withdraw your consent before your Transaction is complete, you will be unable to proceed electronically. You may be required to restart the Transaction via paper, or you may be unable to complete the Transaction at all.
Your withdrawal of consent does not affect any other consent you give us at any other time to use electronic records and signatures. Withdrawing consent also does not affect any agreement you make in the Communications, or any other agreement with us, to use electronic records and signatures in the future.
5. Updating Contact Information
You may update your contact information with us at any time by:
- Notifying our customer service representative assisting you,
- Calling us at the customer service contact information associated with your Transaction, or
- Using any online process we make available to you for updating contact information.
6. Consent and Acknowledgment
By checking the box indicating your agreement to use electronic records and signatures, you are:
- Acknowledging that you have read and understand this Disclosure;
- Consenting to use electronic signatures and records in connection with communications we provide to you through the Box Sign Service;
- Representing and warranting that you are authorized to give consent on behalf of both yourself and any other person entering into the Transaction along with you or on your behalf; and
- Confirming that you are able to receive, access, and view the information presented electronically via the methods described above.